Summer Energy Savings Tips

We hope you are having a terrific summer. It’s hot out there! Here are a few tips to help you stay cool and keep your energy bills down during these hot summer months:

  • Circulate the air
    Did you know that turning your ceiling fans counterclockwise creates a better breeze inside?
  • Adjust your thermostat
    Try raising your thermostat 2 degrees when you leave the home to make sure you don’t pay for AC for an empty room!
  • Keep the sun out!
    Lower your blinds or shades during the day to keep the warmth of the sun out of your home.
  • Cook outdoors
    Cooking inside makes the house warm. Try cooking with a microwave or slow cooker to keep the kitchen cool. Cook outdoors on a grill to keep the heat outside.

Need assistance paying your bill? Click here to find places you can call to get financial assistance paying your energy bill.